New Work

New Work at Bertrandt

Our employees have always priority at Bertrandt, as they are the driving force behind our success and drive the company forward with commitment and motivation.

Our focus is therefore on creating ideal parameters for their day-to-day work and taking the needs of our employees into account in the best possible way.

In this context, we intensively deal with the topic of New Work and conduct trend scouting on topics such as Modern Work, Flexibility and Benefits.

In addition to modern workspaces and attractive sabbatical offers, we also focus on flexible working hours and the compatibility of family and career.

We also offer part-time opportunities across all hierarchies. In addition to corporate benefits, job bike leasing, pension plans, employee loans, fringe benefits and social benefits, we also have group accident insurance. We offer our employees comprehensive onboarding and 1-to-1 support from a mentor as soon as they join the company. Various parental leave and partial retirement models, in accordance with statutory regulations, round off the offer.

Values such as openness, trust and respect should not only be anchored in guidelines, but really lived.

We take social responsibility very seriously, as we are firmly convinced that we can only be successful in a world that is sustainable in various dimensions and thus fit for the future.  

Our Benefits

Bicycle leasing

Iconsymbol mit Fahrrad

Old-age pension scheme and disability insurance

Iconsymbol mit Schutzschuld und Rollstuhlfahrer

Accident insurance

Icon mit Schutzschild und Mitarbeiter mit verbundenem Arm

Extra holiday days

Iconsymbol mit Mitarbeiter auf Sonnenliege

Holiday pay and Christmas bonuses

Iconsymbol mit Sparschwein


Iconsymbol mit Krone

Employee loans

Iconsymbol mit Euromünze und Uhr

Discounts via corporate benefits

Iconsymbol mit Rabattmarke

Employees recruit colleagues

Iconsymbol mit drei Kollegen

Employee events

Iconsymbol mit Fußballspieler

Mobile work

Iconsymbol Mitarbeiter arbeitet am Laptop


Iconsymbol mit Weltkugel

Part-time work

Iconsymbol mit Teilstück aus einem Puzzle

Flexible working hours

Iconsymbol mit Uhrzeit

Sport activities

Iconsymbol mit Sportler