
Investor Relations

The objective of our investor relations activities is to generate confidence and lasting shareholder value by means of ongoing, transparent communications with the capital markets. You will find detailed information about Bertrandt shares and the company on the following pages.


Our objective is to continuously and sustainably improve our
enterprise value. We aim to consolidate and further expand our market shares and to secure growth in a targeted manner on a sound financial basis.

Markus Ruf, Board Member Finance

Financial Reports

By providing comprehensive information, figures and explanations in our financial reports, we aim to create a detailed picture of the current and future growth of the company and the market.

Bertrandt Share

Under this heading you will find information about Bertrandt shares, including facts, share prices and the shareholder structure.

Annual General Meeting

The last Annual General Meeting took place in Sindelfingen on February 21, 2024.

Compulsory disclosures

Information about the company that is required by law and is relevant to the capital markets.

Corporate Governance

Bertrandt supports the different initiatives for corporate governance improvement and capital market transparency. You can access and download the following topic related reports.

Financial Data And Consensus Forecasts

Overview of the company's key figures and consensus forecasts


Download presentations of our financial events

Your Contact

Björn Voss

Head of Investor Relations and M&A

Your Contact

Sabrina Pellegrino

Investor Relations