

Our employees are the driving force behind our success. We ensure fair and attractive working conditions and promote their skills, satisfaction and loyalty with a wide range of benefits.

Our employees are the key to the Group's success. Their expertise and the commitment of the entire workforce have a direct impact on Bertrandt's success and our position as one of the leading development service providers.

We develop and promote an inclusive culture in our company that sees diversity as an enrichment and enables all employees to realize their full potential and make their full contribution. Bertrandt is committed to equal opportunities and equal rights and promotes an environment of mutual respect.

In addition, we are committed to ethical recruitment in our application and hiring processes. All measures and practices that promote efficiency, transparency and the protection of applicants and employees and ensure the appropriate recognition of skills and qualifications are taken into account. More details can be found in our company policy.

The ongoing shortage of skilled workers requires a very good understanding of our employees' needs. Intensive dialog with them is therefore particularly important to us. Bertrandt works on several levels to sustainably increase employee retention. In addition to an extensive range of training and development measures and specific development programs, all employees receive bonuses and attractive corporate benefits, regardless of their working time model. In addition, our Retention Board uses qualitative and quantitative methods in a continuous and structured feedback process to derive measures to improve retention.


Our 14,276 employees form the pillars of our company and are the driving force behind our success. For this reason, their needs and concerns are one of our top priorities.


While we offer a broad portfolio of internal and external training courses to ensure expertise and performance, we also focus on flexibility in the organisation of our working time models. In this way, we enable all employees to customise their individual development and achieve the best possible work-life balance. The number of training days totalled 28,646.


Bertrandt's workforce is highly diverse. The Group-wide promotion of a culture that values diversity and embraces inclusion is therefore a fundamental task of our people & culture department.


Bertrandt works on several levels to increase employee retention on a long-term basis. In addition to an extensive range of training and continuous professional development measures, bonuses and corporate benefits, we use a continuous and structured feedback process to derive measures that help improve retention. The employee satisfaction index is a key indicator for us. Despite increasing challenges, satisfaction remains at a consistently good level of 3.6 out of a possible 5 points.

Bertrandt makes its contribution to the health of its employees through attractive and lively health management. Following the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the occupational health system was able to resume regular operations in the 2022/2023 financial year. The range of offers was adapted to the new requirements and circumstances of the working world and includes digital, target-group-specific live offers and face-to-face campaigns.

The digital live offers consist of keynote speeches, blended learning and live speakers and relate to the area of mental health. Examples include positive psychology, resilience training, the link between nutrition and mental health and burnout prevention. The presence campaigns consist of examinations offered in cooperation with company doctors and health insurance companies, such as skin cancer screenings, lung function tests and comprehensive body screening. These examinations are supplemented by fruit deliveries and health-promoting group activities at the sites, including company runs, cooking courses and regular sports activities. Thanks to these offers and measures, the health rate for the Group as a whole reached the target range at 95.9%.

The strategic goal of further establishing Bertrandt as a safe and attractive company was again detailed in operational targets and backed up with measures in fiscal 2022/2023. The company-wide efforts were successful: with 4.28 accidents per 1 million productive hours, the Group target was achieved.

Your Contact

Andreas Auracher

Vice Pesident | Project Lead Sustainability