


Friedrich-Gauss-Strasse 5
74172 Neckarsulm

+49 (0) 7034 656-0

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Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH

Site history and key focus areas

The Neckarsulm site provides services in the fields of car body development, interiors, virtual reality, powertrains, electronics development, simulation and testing. These are complemented by supporting services, including logistics, quality and project management, and by a vehicle development workshop. 
Bertrandt's goal is to develop the mobility solutions of the future. Constant process improvement and high levels of technical expertise are important factors in ensuring the quality of the company's services. The Neckarsulm site, which was founded in 1984, is responsible for the complete development of modules and vehicle derivatives within the Bertrandt network. The close cooperation between the other sites in the network enables the company to offer a range of services covering the entire vehicle development process.