Training at Bertrandt

Our training

We offer all our employees an extensive range of opportunities to extend their specialist knowledge. These opportunities are constantly updated and extended, including with digital content. Thus, strictly practically oriented and modern blended learning formats are found in all specialisms, while most training sessions are offered both on and off the job. 

It is also important to us that our employees constantly develop their soft skills and personalities. That is why we offer an ever-increasing range of webinars to support an exchange of ideas on current topics and to allow training to happen regardless what the time and place. It is our goal to keep every employee up to date, as far as possible, helping them gain skills even beyond the boundaries of their training. 

New digital learning concepts

New learning methods and concepts increase efficiency in handling content and will make it all a little easier for you. That is why the transformation from classical face-to-face training sessions to blended learning concepts is currently taking place. In addition, ever more digital modules are being produced and supplied in close cooperation with the specialist departments at Bertrandt. For example, our employees have free access to a series of screencasts on content from the electronics department. 



We've got all the possibilities for training and advanced training here. Even in the application stage, that was the decisive point in favour of Bertrandt.

Julian Stephan, Apprentice Technical Product Designer